Diane & Mel at London Marathon (& mini-Marathon)

Sun 22 April 2012--admin
Once again the London Marathon was a fantastic spectacle for those of us watching the coverage from home, but the club had five athletes actually competing in London.
The mini-marathon athletes race over the last three miles of the main route, with Maddie Bowyer, Zoe Carruthers and Jonny Whan all running for the N. Ireland teams who took on regional teams from the rest of the UK. In the U13 race Maddie was first N.Ireland scorer and 41st overall in 19:37. Zoe was 69th in the U15 race in 20:24 while Jonny was 62nd in his U15 race in 17:05.
In the main event Mel Minshull ran 3:41:21 (1:48 at half-way), which was a good time considering a lay-off of almost three weeks before the race with an achilles probelm and suffering cramps from 20 miles. Diane Watson wasn’t far behind in another good run of 3:49:45 after going through half-way in 1:44.
Well done to all the athletes on representing the club (and N. Ireland) so well in London.