NI Senior & U18/19/20 champs – Entries open

Sun 13 May 2012--admin
Monday 04 June will be the date for this year’s NI and Ulster Senior Track and Field championships, with the venue being the Antrim Forum once again. This event will also will also incorporate the NI and Ulster age-group championships, for athletes born in 1993/94/95. The indoor championships proved to be very successful for City of Lisburn (especially within the younger age-groups it must be said) and the club hopes to have a strong showing at the outdoor equivalent too.
Entries for the championships are now OPEN, with on-line application being the preferred method for submitting entries. As in all local individual championships, responsibility for entries lies with the athletes themselves. Entries for both Senior and age-group competitions close at 5pm on Friday 18 May.
Link for Senior entries is here:-
Age-groups competing at Antrim will therefore be as follows:-
Year of birth 1995 ie Under 18 at midnight on 31 December 2012
Year of birth 1994 ie Under 19 at midnight on 31 December 2012
Year of birth 1993 ie Under 20 at midnight on 31 December 2012
Link for Under 18/19/20 entries is here:-
Athletes may compete as a Senior and Junior in the one competition and if successful would be eligible for a medal in both categories. This would not apply however to those events where the weights of throwing implements and hurdle heights would differ from those used in Senior competition.