Rebok International CC Races

Tue 17 January 2006--admin
The Stormont International festival of running starts off with the Primary schools race for P6?s and P7?s, Tori Miskelly was completing for City of Lisburn A C and produced a great effort to finish in sixth place.
The Girls Under 13 Rebok International race over 1600m brought Emily Mills to the
fore once again, with a superb performance on her local training ground. Emily
finished sixth, first Irish girl home with five English and Scottish runners just seconds
in front of her. Emily?s Strathern school friends Zoe Magee and Shakara McCausland
also had good runs finishing in 37th and 57th positions respectively. The team finished
third behind Ballyclare High School and Cranford AC, school coach Julie Brown was
very pleased with the girls? performance.
In the Girls Under 15 3200m race, City of Lisburn runners Rachel Gibson, Caroline
Brown, Katie McHenry and Rachel Ramsey all started steadily in the midfield, as the
race unfolded the Irish, Scottish and English top runners where making all the running
with Rachel Gibson and Caroline just behind in the chasing group with Katie and
Rachel Ramsey further back. Rachel Gibson finished in 14th closely followed by
Caroline in 18th place, slightly further back was Katie in her first international race,
running strongly to finish 36th. Rachel Ramsey ran well to finish 45th. Hugo Howard
was City of Lisburn?s sole representative in the Boys Under 15, in Hugo?s first outing
over cross-country and the distance of 3200m, his performance was very noteworthy
and bodes well for the future. He paced himself well and worked his way through the
field to finish 43rd out of over ninety athletes.
The Girls Under 17 4800m race was very competitive with Ruth Gillispie Northern
Irelands top runner and Hannah Addeley representing City of Lisburn AC. Ruth ran
strongly, but suffering the after effects of jet lag, could only finish 14th, even so was
still the first Northern Ireland girl home. Hannah Addeley first outing in the Stormont
Rebok International finishing 46th, ran well but feels she has more potential to come.
Chris Madden Boys Under 17 demonstrated once again what a fearless fine
competitor he is with another storming performance finished 12th. Chris, who only
trains three times a week constantly demonstrates his natural ability in all levels of competition.
Last but not least, Eric Frizzell competed in the Vets 4800m race, ran well and is
starting to show a return to form at long last by finishing 5th in the O55 category.